Within the effort of consolidation of an “open narration”, with the significance of the term or the model that has an effect in speech and space, an interpretation of narrative and related significances is attempted in this project. It is a survey of definitions and opinions about the concept with a changeover of conclusions from Speech to Space and reversely. The produced “map” is directed in an experimentation concerning the final conclusion with connections between different fields (Speech-Space-Linearity-Cinema). It wants to be open and connectible to all of its dimensions. The map can be separated into sections, the order of elements that compose it can be reversed, be adapted in any frame of support, being in continuous alteration. This multiple reading which provides us is perhaps its most important characteristic due to the fact that it always proposes multiple entries to the subject, therefore different “conclusions” (exits).
There is no unity reduced to a main lever. There isn’t a creative axis round which the successive stages of development are organised or a central structure as a main succession that can be cut into direct components. There is nothing genealogical in this text, something to articulate and classify but on the contrary there is a supremacy of fragmentation and multiplicity.
Thisfragmentaryprogressofnarrationisaimingtobereleasedfromthedefinitionofanorderandlinearityremainingaccuratetothevariationofthesubjectitrefersto.Itsobjectiveistoincludemultipletheoriesandversionsofnarrationwhichwillcomprisethe expressed meaning, a connection with One as an object . “Themeaningofperspective”(«point of view») ondifferentopinions and questionsisofgreatimportanceforthelistenerwhich result and connect the significance of narration with the architecture and the space more generally. According to the definition that Poudovkin shares as a theorist, montage is “the mean for revealing an idea through shots: “the “epic” beginning”. Our narration, while unfolding it, comprises with the opposite aspectofEisenstein, that montage is«an idea coming out from the conflict of independent shots – which are even opposite between them: the “dramatic principle” and is operating similarly.
Therefore, the attendance ofthestudyisbasedona“formative action”. According to this concept, the narration type of theissuewhich is under examination, is aiming, as Ricoeur would say, “from different facts to result significant entireties”. By the succession of these facts – individual subjects that comprise the elements of the study - the reader, is asked to extract a formation - structure. The objective of this formation is to acquire the character of a judgement and in particular of a “stochasticjudgement"according to Kant’s definition of the term. Mink typically mentions: "To narrate and follow up a story, already means to think about facts with the objective of enclosing them in successive entireties” .
Cinema, as an important implementofSpeechandSpace, whichtriedoutnonlinearnarrativetechniques, isusedasamodelofanalternative reading-perception-receptivity of space succession through an applied research in 5 cinema movies.