This inquiry aims to investigate the way that architecture expands and penetrates into the spaces of consumption. More specifically, the research focuses on the detection of tactics of challenge, used by architects who aim to innovate in order to attract the consumers.
The opinion that the relation between architecture and fashion, concerning the matter of consumption, has already been developed into a dominant helper of policy of seduction, is what constituted the cause for this research. The fashion, conceived as a kind of art oughts to be attractive, in order to be consumed and architecture has the potencies to serve, and also to “express” this consumption. Today we live in the “ecstasy” of communication, of objects production, and of consumerism and people are leaded by the mass culture.
For the approach of the inquiring object has attempted the historical retrospection of the relationship between women and the consumption, the exploration of the relationship between famous architects of 20th century and department stores or shopping malls, and finally, the search of attracting techniques that have been evolved these last years from architects in collaboration with the owners of shops, which aim to the reinvention of shopping.