During the whole course of history, there has been a continuous process of seeking new ways and conditions for survival. Change and evolution have always been part and parcel of historical development, and movement and transport have been its basic parameters. Man does not appear to stay for a long period of time at a particular spot. He has lived and continues to live as a nomad. The need for survival, forced him to move continuously, something that led to constant change of life and culture.
The first territorial shifts occurred with the need of nutrition. Later on, the shepherds are forced by the change of climate, to move together with their flocks to more fertile grounds, where there is more food available. On other occasions trade led teams of merchants to massive treks in order to exchange their goods. All of the above are some of the characteristics of the traditional nomadic life style.
Nowadays the meaning of nomadism has been given a different interpretation. The definition of the modern nomad is still that of a person who moves from one place to another. However, that person has now replaced the use of animals with his vehicle and other means of transportation, the paths and the natural trails with highways. At the same time the moving groups are not ships full of shepherds or tradesmen, but families, businessmen and other people who wish to accomplish their daily objectives. The modern nomads seem to be identified – in the majority of them - as the people of Western World. The new societies and cities that are being shaped are based on speed and variability.
Architecture responds to these changes of everyday life in order to serve modern people’s needs that are constantly altered and attempts to give solutions through moving buildings and flexible constructions.