At the beginning of one (more) attempt to approach Athens one could be tempted by a somehow inverse undertaking. To try to project on the developing city scenarios and unities of concepts about contemporary cities, as if the city itself is being interpreted by the convergence to or divergence from the discourse that represents it. By selecting on the one hand fragments of theories and utopias from different conceptual contexts, which however move around the urban space and on the other hand with a previous estimation about the true fragments which Athens could be consisted of – the city centre and the district, the historical past, the apartment building, limits and division, native and immigrant population/populaces, new structures and non-places – we are attempting a view on what fits and what is left over. The unities of concepts drawn by Rossi, Koolhaas and Castells, as selections from the grate number of discourses, form the conceptual lens with which we read the city. The network, the globalization, the flows, the historicity, the identity, the collective memory, the space of places, the velocity, the generic urbanization, the urban factors, the layering are inscribed and searched for in the city. The tension between what seems to be “interpreted” and what seems to be “left out” reveals not only the continuing dialectics between the practice and the theories with which we handle them but also the permanent fluidity of Athens in the making.