My approach has as aim to investigate the relation of individual with the optical control in different cases transpiring the diachronic relation of observer with the observed object.
The subject is separated in three parts:
In the first part I am reported in the relation of Modernism with elements of space’s optical control. I used the Modernism as base because existed the reason for my activity with the particular subject, as in his questioning it negotiates the transparency and deals with the relation of private, of “inside”, with the landscape and the public space.
The second part constitutes a search in the human behaviour, on the part of optical control, and in the past of the relation individual-observation, however, no with the form of the historical retrospection of above mentioned relation, something that would not interest me to analyze, but more with a report of specific examples that inquires the diachronic relation of observer and observed.Through examples I negotiate various forms of observation and optical control, as observation base on territorial devices (eg panopticon, Japanese and Chinese garden), through the transparency (eg offices buildings), through framing of landscape, through the vitrine (example of Taiwan, Amsterntam), through personal objects, electronic surveillance (cameras, web cams etc), police surveillance, observation of observed object’s representation (camera obscura), observation of the public space, observation of private.
The third part is reported in the modern season and it investigates how much all this disposal for optical control is live in the current city and how it is influenced by structure and by the types of buildings that dominate. Also, becomes report in the modern means of observation, the current “surveillance tools", that can reveal more elements for the private life of citizens.