The architectural building considered as a monument is being created in order to express human believes and cogitations. Other times desires and ambitions. Forceful political leaders have plenty of them. Which they attempt to reflect in the architectural expressions. Oftentimes through an appearance of how they would like things to be they seek to persuade the general public that the substance of the authority is like this. A verisimilar visor, an image. This constitutes the beautification of the authority. The architecture being transformed into a mean that will lend the authority a character of beautification. The force of image, symbols and space’s sensation are being used. Which are the strategies and which the architectural elements? Three examples of governmental headquarters will underlie this questioning. The palace of Louis XIV in Versailles, Reich chancellery for Hitler and new chancellery in reunified Berlin are being viewed through the examination of architectural elements being expressions of the ideological content they are called to symbolize. The comparison between past and present, absolute and dialectical regimes.