The selected area is located at Volos, at the region of Anauros. It was chosen as a reference spot, the point that identifies the exit and the entrance of the city. It is the place that concentrates movements from the road network of the rest of the city, and “conducts” them to its inner space.
The results of an urban analysis reveal that the specific area is surrounded by some strong physical elements, which constitute its boundaries and prevent either the movement or the visual contact from one place to another. Those boundaries isolate the specific area making it almost inaccessible.
This project aims to connect this area with the surrounding urban space and this will be achieved by different ways. The concentration of public, apart from private uses, the creation of a pedestrian network that penetrates the region, and the intruding of the city itself into the area, will unify it with the rest of the city.
The existing uses (rowing and sailing centre) will be maintained, but will be enriched by other athletic educational and cultural uses.
The mentioned boundaries intrude to the area and interact with it. The location and design of the structural planning of the project in relation to these boundaries empower their existence.
Three main movements are created; -each one of them identifies the connection with the surrounding area in a different way-. The first one indicates the structural elements, and consists of all the buildings and uses. The second identifies the penetration of urban space into the area, by forming a part of the new pedestrian network, and the third identifies the connection of other educational uses into the existing private space.
As far as the design of the rowing and sailing centre is concerned, it is influenced by some outer elements such as the design of the existing school, or the rhythm and movement of the body during the training.
The design is clear, follows a strict structure and a specific rhythm that sometimes is repeated to form inner and outer space.