The meaning of City Hall in the digital epoch. Its role. Public building, except of its social destination, is sorted out as a landmark in the city and operates inevitably as an architectural ideal model with important educational meaning ρόλο. City cannot exist without public buildings, and public buildings cannot exist without the city.
But, is the public building simply a receiver of actions and facts or maybe the same building as space entity feeds new activities, new happenings? The relation between building and city is one-to-one, dynamic and unpredictable.
In this architectural proposal I attempt to make this relation beneficial through the functional diosmosis. In a low standard of living area as West Thessaloniki is, City Hall is accepted an emblematic or better a dynamic character, as the dynamicism of society which wishes to change the environment where live in.
That’s my intention, a building – social condenser, with multiple uses, multifunctional and open to society as an organism which is changing, is reinterpreted on and on cause of the activities and facts they are performing in.