Starting my degree thesis, the choice of the building plot was done after wandering through the wider area where we can also find the investigation area of my in-depth research, Makrinitsa. The rock with its dramatic elevation constitutes a very important characteristic of the area that is also easily seen from all the near Pelion villages. Then, it was necessary to ‘read’ the near environment so as to find the most appropriate solutions for the morphological, conceptional and constructional adaption of the new intervention to the existing building and natural environment. The main features of the architectural and poleodomical tradition of Makrinitsa, the landscape that predisposes for installations of alternative tourism, with the brook, the existing hiking routes, the existing climbing arena, the simple constructions (cottages) that rest disseminated and also the rock itself (a part of which is proper for climbing), which refers to the various monasterial installations located to similar abrupt landscape are some of the features that influenced more or less the process and the final result of this project.
The main building plan consists of four basic functions, conference and athletic center, restaurant and lodges. The main room of each-one of these functions are discernible from the different materials concerning the rest building and from the morphology of the lumps that are discreet from the outside. All the functions apart from the lodges are located at the rock’s spine, whereas the lodges are positioned to a metallic frame anchored to one of the armfuls that are created from the elevation of the rock. These two basic parts of the installations are connected with one square that acts as reference point. The metallic constructions, giving an ephemeral sense, the volumes that give the impression that at these points the rock skins at its spline, consisting its continuity, the lodges that seem to rest to the rock which at the same time they climb over it, the game of the projections and the alteration of open, semi-open and closed places, are some of the partial characteristics, as a result of the study that mentioned previously.
Finally, the main ask that occupied me from the start concerning the identity of the new intervention is the attitude that should be kept opposing to the architectural tradition that is conveyed by the traditional villages of the Pelion and Makrinitsa. As it has been said, some of the basic general features has been transferred adapted to the present architecture. In other words, to another tradition, the tradition of today. This solution was thought as the best one, as Makrinitsa is there standing consisting an attractive pole for what means and for what everyone wants to know. So, the new intervention was better to create a different event and through this difference the new and the traditional would be shown more.