This degree thesis is based on George Bataille’s book ‘Story of the Eye’. The book refers to a teenage couple, who through a series of actions invents ways of physical expression, bringing out the dark side of eroticism. Bataille wavers between human materiality (the dying body) and corporal apotheosis (the body during erotic flare). Through the compilation of selected extracts which constitute either kinesiological snap-shots or descriptions of human behaviour under extreme circumstances, arises a new understanding of the notion of corporality and the management of eroticism as a ‘desire’. Through studying the space between the lovers and having set as a design basis a cabinet (the cabinet consists spatial element from the book), emerges a chamber, as a condition of enclosure, during which one is inside and one is outside. The subjects are found in distance. The transformation of the cabinet to a chamber aims to intensify the erotic desire through the unsettled relation between master and dominated. The interventions are fragments of sheet metal which are placed in order for the body to maintain specific positions, which derive from the book. Viewing for both of the subjects is limited. The chamber is an imaginary place.