This degree thesis deals with the planning of two low energy consumption houses in Thrakomakedones. The view of the area, which is situated in the foothills of Parnitha, led to the idea of creating a big window- frame in the building site, viewing towards the city of Athens. In the search of creating a number of frames- views, the two- dimensional window evlves into a spatial canvas, which then modulates in harmony with the elements of the energy design of the building, so as to create the living space.
The elements of both the bioclimatic and the energy design, were taken under consideration, since the very beginning of the project. As a result, an atrium was designed, to separate the building into two parts, while in the same time it contributes to the recycling of the air, as well as to the natural cooling. Even more, fotovoltaic systems are used to cover part of the house needs for electricity and solar panels are used to cover part of the house needs for heating. Other elements added, are the planted roofs, the small apertures in the North to create ventilation from end to end and finally, the earth tubes used for natural cooling.
The purpose of this project, is the smooth combination of these bioclimatic and energy design elements, with the architectural, composition design.