The present study concerns the historical center of the city of Larissa, the area of “Frourio”. As the Frourio area we embrace the territorial hill at the North-center part of the city that is bounded by Dimitras, Venizelou and Georgiadou Street and, from the west side, by the river Pinios.
The scouting and registration of the Frourio’s past, the impression of the current situation and the spotting of the problematic points, were the ignition for the determination of the aims and designing concepts.
The area retains the stratigraphy of the historical phases of the hill. We meet monuments and findings of great archeological interest such as the ancient theater at the foothills, which is the top-ranking point. These elements, combined with the characteristics of the hill, like the intense hypsometrical variations, set the bases for the subsequent designing choices.
The aim of the study is the recreation of the image and the recapture of the territorial identity as well as the activation and the conversion from an isolated and declined city center to a place of cultural and social activity. Among the means are the consideration of the land’s usages and the limits of topicality- hyper topicality. The incorporation of the area in the structure and the functions of the city are essential as well as the expansion of the public space of the city. Another point about the area that is taken under consideration is its misappropriation from the local people and its function as an outlet of social needs.
The rehabilitation proposal consists of interferences on public space, modulations of square-landscape, propositions on land usage and creation of social and cultural interesting. Some of the interventions on buildings at this particular area regard exhibition places, lecture- presentation rooms, libraries, student homes, hospitality rooms and parking areas. Those interventions was made in order to support the basic movement axis that were created in the proposal’s frames, give life to the hill and correspond to the needs of the whole area.