In modern times, during the last few years, spa tourism at natural hot springs in Greece is constantly increase and getting more attractive to tourists of all age groups. Nowadays, more and more people are visiting modernized hydrotherapy centers, ignoring the healing properties that nature generously gives us. From the ancient times, bathing was one of the necessary daily activities for the people. Nowadays, in our society, as it has been evolved, the concept of bathing has changed. Nevertheless, bathing is still one of the basic actions that have the potential to direct the relationship between man and water. The results and assumptions of an extensive research into the different habits, ways and definitions of tourism and holidays; but also through the investigation of the relationship between water and man, the analysis of baths’ history, and finally, after considering the beneficial properties of thermal springs and the history of baths in Greece, the idea of restoring the already existing Loutropolises and connecting them to the natural and peaceful atmosphere surrounding them is born and gradually increases. This study aimed to examine the reconstruction of the exterior and interior of the Loutropolis of Eleftheres. It presents a novel idea of respecting the memory and history of the place, of nature and of the people in the area. The specific baths are chosen because of their unique history and the ideas that built it, the par ticular geographical and natural landscape and its strategic location. A complete proposal is presented, based on its history and the natural environment, yet also, respecting the values under which it was initially organized, and the needs for the visitors who are hosted in the area every year.