It is a fact that in the last few decades, the woodworking art has been experiencing an intense decline. The specific Diploma Thesis focuses on Armeni harbor in Santorini, and the creation of a woodworking workshop, aiming its revival and regeneration. The synthetical idea of the proposal was developed after a visit to Santorini. Initially, the connection of Oia settlement with this specific art and craftmanship, was acknowledged. In the past, Oia was a crucial captain village of Santorini, presenting a strong maritime tradition. Nowadays, the Maritime Museum, which attracts visitors and presents the naval history of the island, is also very active in the region. During the visit to the island, the wish of the islanders to emerge the old shipyard of Armeni was expressed. The former operated until 1994, under the supervision of Mastrantonis (Antonis Chalaris). At the same time, observing how much tourism has affected the entire island and, more specifically, Santorini’s ports, the future image of Armeni is under examination. CouldArmeni be another destinationwith dining areas and rooms for rent? What is the future of the forgotten shipyard of Mastrantonis? How could Armeni and the shipyard be integrated into Santorini’s current status, maintaining and projecting its old maritime identity, as a cultural core, where the timber art can be flourishing? It is therefore proposed that a new shipyard will be designed on the west side of the port, two recidences will be designed to accommodate the visitors who will participate in the workshop, as well as a path throughout the harbor’s coast, that serves as the backbone of all interventions. In the center of all, the old shipyard will be functioning as a museum, opening its doors to the public, giving back life to its premises.