In 1962 lake Carla dried up, its flora and fauna were wiped out and with it its hidden civilization was buried. From 2010 until today efforts are being carried out for the recreation of this important wetland since the consequences on the ecosystem of the area were greater than the expected profit of its drainage.
The need for the protection and preservation of the cultural inheritance and avifauna that this wetland accommodates, which is the reason for its integration as a protected area (Natura), created the purpose for this particular thesis, project B.I.R.D. (Birds In Row Disappearing).
The purpose of this thesis is the creation of a research center for research and protection of the unique avifauna of the lake and the preservation of its civilization. Its construction site includes housing for permanent and seasonal researchers, and also volunteers. It also includes the necessary infrastructure for the best possible performance of the project. Located on the banks of lake Carla joining diagonal bisectors not only from the view of the lake but also from the mountain. Focusing on the construction details using materials from the area and roof planting in order for the building to adjust to the environment in combination with the tracing of the plan in order to allow the visitor to sink in and experience the cultural values of the lake, the effort made to advocate for the avifauna and the importance of this wetland over a period of time, so that it can once again become a spectacle of Thessaly. To unbury its culture, to respect its present and welcome its future.