The current thesis focuses on the design of Art Residences in the abandoned complex of buildings of the Varvakeion Foundation in Alsos Kefalari, in Kifissia. The project concerns a set of buildings, some of which are open to the public. The main sector is the one where all the communal workshops of the artists are placed, as well as the collective rest areas. Also, this is where the exhibitions take place as a result of the practices of these workshops. The aim of the design is a center accessible not only to the artists but also to the wider public, in order to follow the exhibitions, visit the cafe-bar and enjoy a green space in the city. Emphasis was placed on the orientation, the exploitation of the natural light and the shade of the pine trees, while the main concern was not to interfere with the natural landscape and its character. It provides spaces and workshops for collective work as well as private spaces for artists. The boundaries of the halls and the corridors of the building are designed to be modified and thus, connection and continuous communication is achieved, both between the interior spaces as well as the inside and the outdoors.