The Pomaks or otherwise our unknown compatriots, are a tribe of mountain farmers and breeders settled in the mountainous area of the prefectures of Xanthi, Rodopi and Evros. To this day, they are still a misunderstood population group, which within the geographical borders of the Greek state seeks its national identity. The time they settled permanently in these areas is not attested by any official source of ancient or middle times. Today they stand out because of their idiomatic language, their religion since they have converted to Muslimism as well as their family and religious traditions that they have kept alive in time. In a socially changing environment, an important concern is the social organization of the Pomak villages and more specifically, the position of women in them which could not remain unaffected. To conclude, the research is completed with an attempt to record the architectural and urban design of a mountainous traditional residential complex, Medousa.