The current research project discusses the privatisation of public space in 21st century Greece and focuses on pertinent instances in the city of Larissa. In the first part, an initial attempt to define public spacethrough the Greek legislation is made. Afterwards, the ways of privatisation are analysed, dividing the time span in 3 periods. In the first period, before and after the Olympic Games, legislations which favoured private-sector initiatives in space and constructions appeared, as that period seemed to be an opportunity for tourism development and infrastructure development in the country. Subsequently, along with the 2008 economic crisis and the following years, “land grabbing” becomes even more intense, as the objective of the fiscal debt repayment is present,alongside the continuation of the investments. In the last couple of years, lawmaking has continued at the expense of free public space, assisted by the difficulties and the fear caused by the pandemic. In the second part, the research focusing on the city of Larissa, commences with a brief introduction regarding the city and proceeds with an analysis of privatisation instances in it. The first instance regards the AEL FC Arena Stadium, which constitutes a private stadium built in a granted public ground free of charge. The next instance concerns a municipal building in Frourio, which was leased to a private business along with the possibility of a deep renovation, influencing the configuration of the surrounding communal space. The last instance pertains to the refreshment stall of the Kipotheatro in the Alkazar Park, which was leased and renovated similarly to the aforesaid example, while the businessperson took charge of the maintenance as well as the management of the municipal open theatre. Lastly, in the final part of the project an attempt to analyse the repercussions, inflicted in the citizens’ life by all of the forementioned, is made and a handful of personal thoughts are provided.