The present research project is an archival research, aiming to highlight the gender dimension in the field of Architectural Engineering in Europe and especially in Greece. The research is not related to women’s architectural work, but to the position of women during their education and the profession as an architect. Initially, the framework of the social position of the female gender is developed through relevant literature and then, from a theoretical framework, it is translated through surveys into a visualization of percentages. The presentation of the survey percentages is not intended to create a gender controversy, but is intended to research the gender gap. Through the presentation of data and conclusions, the purpose of the research is to create a framework for assessing the current situation. The position of women is now given with statistical precision in terms of their participation in all stages of academic studies to their work place.In particular, quantitative records on undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students and then the teaching staff of the architecture schools in Greece were studied. Finally, data from a key institution was extracted in order to provide data on the profession of Architectural Engineering in Greece. A study of this data will highlight the low participation of women in scientific fields and the unequal treatment that prevents them from accessing leadership positions and the ability to be promoted due to the glass ceiling. The purpose of this paper is to highlight these inequalities so that they can be used as part of gender research and as a basis for further research.