The region of Western Macedonia is directly experiencing the effects of a rapid de-lignification with the permanent closure of all lignite power plants. It is therefore imperative to try to change the productive model of the region and mitigate its effects through a strategic planning that includes attracting investments with specific and enhanced incentives for them.
Emphasis is placed on the primary sector of the region with the production and distribution of local products, on the secondary sector with a fundamental pillar the development of Renewable Energy Sources and finally on the tertiary sector, which is based on tourism development, with emphasis on industrial tourism and ecotourism, as well as research in academic institutions and research centres.
Through a new type of mining, that of ideas, knowledge, energy, we are entering an era that is a "Node of Development" of Western Macedonia. Memory, Production and Development Line are layers of our own mining with respective zones of education, work, leisure, information, research and tradition. Organic routes accompany the plot, meeting the "heavy" industrial design, creating different experiences, strengthening the intersection of the former industry with the new era.