According to Plato’s writings, people were spherical androgynous beings with two faces, two genitals and eight limbs. Those creatures were so powerful that the Gods were afraid of them and Zeus decided to split them in two. Since then, people are half. In other words, pieces trying to be completed in their original form. Our desire for our gestalt and our impulse to return to our original disposition is called “eros”.
This diploma project is both choreography and a space tracing; or elsewhere a poetic ergonomics, which could be considered as dance and space performance that examines the movement of a hybrid in a determined setting. This hybrid consists of two bodies whose proviso is to be touched constantly in different parts, creating a continuous flow or movement in space.
Starting with the Platonic transcendence, a new kind of ergonomics is explored by reconstructing household in order to facilitate the hybrid. A prime stage is created, in which the choreography of this transcendent hybrid will be formed. This gesture is not going to study the construction, but a "theatrical stage" in which the daily life of the creature takes place.
Research approach:
1. Hypothetical choreography scenarios, using existing objects based on hybrid condition (sketches, notes)
2. Attempts to apply the above hypotheses (observation, demarcation, video)
3. Identification of spatial - functional problems
4. Reorganizing objects, retaining certain elements of the originals
5. Composing of the final scene for the choreography
In conclusion, theme of this diploma project is the “Ergonomics of Eros” by choreography and a space tracing of a household that walks the line between useful and transcendental.