The object of this study is to investigate the relationship between the space and the cultural activities in times of crisis. In particular, it focuses on entertainment in times of social crisis and how the space relates to the possibilities and choices of people in this field, in the sense that it can both influence and change them. The keywords for structuring the study is that the “crisis”, which we tried to conceptualize on the one hand descriptively, through historical examples of crisis at a local level, and on the other hand, we try to explore the role of entertainment in times of crisis and then the constituent role of space. Specifically, we focus on the field of theater and cinema as cultural activities directly intertwined with space in order to highlight its border role in critical times. We study examples of theaters and cinemas that have left history and try to emphasize how the crisis affected the construction of these buildings. Our main point of reference is the modern Greek cultural and social context, from where we drew our basic examples.