The question that arises inthis research projectis whether the triptych of Space, Time, and Relationships in every modern example and technical result of accommodation, is feasible and pleasant to man as he travels and resides in properly designed spaces in their minimal dimensions. Each limited-temporary accommodation is compared as a receptor of comfort and pleasure with the durationof stay. Important emerging relationships are the essential measure of the consistency of life in every space and time. They are created both through the interactionof the travelerduring theirstay, as well as through theircorrelation with the present nature and the landscapes as it interacts, influences and is influenced.
With the ephemeral living in small spaces that began to transform the travel and urban habits from the 1970s, construction resources are saved. This way of life and travel seems to significantly affect large numbers of people in the world community. Whether they are travellers in need of adequate and comfortable accommodation, or those looking for a change in their lifestyle, mobile staff or even thoseseeking accommodation for a longer period with a low cost, everyone is constantly using such housing units as the economy of their development and the improvement of their construction technology increase.
In each category of temporary-permanent residence we find that space and its form offer people different experiences of living as we see in many examples the social segregation that has been applied for decades. The categorization of positions and comfort and the corresponding pricing define political relations and impose the capitalist practice of man for the separation of social classes. On the other hand, the space-time relationship is affected depending on the category of minimum construction.
Finally, the constituent principles of architectural thought and practice that are properly combined in the organization of Space, Time and Relationships are found in every form of study, design, construction, and critical evaluation of proposals for accommodation in small spaces chosen by the traveller/worker anywhere in the world, depending on the political-cultural specificity and the economic-technical means. The industrial as well as the digital revolution contributed to the evolution of design and construction materials and methods. One of the main reasons that pushed man in the construction of spaces of small dimensions is the development of mass travel tourism around the world, for short periods of time.