In recorded history when people face difficulties and there is amoral bankruptcy, people tend to search hope in descriptions of ideal societies that can give them meaning to their lives. According to philosopher Eftichis Bitsakis that’s exactly the time when people conceive and write Utopia(s). It was Oscar Wilde who famously wrote that “a map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing…”
The present research work is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with "utopias", while through the second part we try to identify and understand whether - and how - in our time, "now" and "here", "eutopian" conditions of collective living are configured.
First of all, experts’ definitions of the word “utopia” are recorded so as to find out and understand its complete meaning. Secondly, some of the best books on Utopia are presented and analyzed in order to help us understand the way in which “utopia” wanted to be the basis of ideal human societies in times of great crisis. These books are all written whether at the Renaissance period or at the 19th century and some of them are Thomas More’s “Utopia”, Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis”, Robert Owen’s “New Harmony”, etc.
The above analysis raises the question of whether "eutopian" situations of collective life are configured today. To answer this question, we mention and describe some situations in which under specific conditions such collective living conditions are formed.