In the present research study we will try to investigate aspects of the urban condition in Athens the Metapolitefsi era, through a kid’s radio broadcast named “Lilipoupoli”. Lilipoupoli is a kid’s radio broadcast that morphologically belongs in the category of kid’s radio theatre and was transmitted by the Third Programme of the Greek Radio from 1977 until 1980, a period that Manos Hatzidakis was the director of the Programme. We will argue that taking in consideration the historical period that the broadcast was created, the political as well as spacial conflicts that were troubling Athens metropolis are in dialectic ratio with the content of the broadcast and the world of Lilipoupoli.
In the present study we will examine the political, social and spacial context of the first period of Metapolitefsi era and we will then make a corresponding analysis of the world of Lilipoupoli. The study will focus on the rescued 133 episodes of the broadcast that were archived on behalf of ERT (Greek Radio Television) on 2015. Through this double study on Athens and Lilipoupoli we will try to highlight the dialectic ratio that unites them.
Afterwards, we will try to focus on spatial issues through specific Lilipoupoli episodes that highlight specific spatial issues. With the aforementioned investigation we will try to support that Athenian condition exist in Lilipoupoli and that Lilipoupoli actually converses back inorder to criticize and remind Athenians that reality can change towards another direction.