In this paper the conceptual analysis of the term “friluftsliv” [freedom (norw. frihet) + air (norw. luft) + life (norw. liv)] is quoted from the first appearance of the word in Henrik Ibsen’ s poem “On the Heights” - when the linguistic sign is considered, through the exhibition of the picturesque image, as an icon of Scandinavian countryside - until the modern interpretations, which are being attributed to the concept by the people and the community parties at the Scandinavian territory. The methodology that is applied derives from Arne Naess’ research on empirical semantics, which supports, subsequently, the philosophical view of “Deep Ecology”, indicating through the speaking person’s interpretive system, the Scandinavian Ecosophy. According to the latter, a course of semantic clarifications is being followed - at every interpretive state - of the characteristics, which make up the contemporary lifestyle. Thus, a recognition process of the place identity of the Scandinavian community is presented, based on the configuration of the collective perception about the implementation of outdoor recreational activities in the natural landscape. The conceptual rendering of the characteristics is being visible at the different levels of their signification’s comprehension by different individuals and groups of the Scandinavian community, on the order of their classified relationship - regarding their similarities with the poetic framework of interpretation - receiving different meaning. Although the methodology has been followed consistently, as it is characterized by a remarking level of composition, that same referential methodology, in the case of this present research topic assists to the reaching of a critical consideration, which is motivated by the interactive experience, during the encounter with the natural landscape, at every level of comprehension. As it seems, this is introduced through the interpretive system with utterances and strict repetitions of the terms which are being clarified and therefore, it is implemented according to a ritual process, that is correlated with mutual cultural references of the Scandinavian people, but with different perceptions of the concept of nature itself. As a result, the Scandinavian community’ s consciousness about friluftsliv, as the local tradition of “free nature life”, quotes the alterations of the word’s signification, which - according to the courses in linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure - might project important derogations from the customary protocol, nevertheless, they, simultaneously, approach through these derogations each time the natural landscape with local peculiarities and communal agreements.