From the period of the industrial revolution onwards, the rhythms of life change rapidly. And yet, the cessation of the present is an important case in protecting the human consciousness from being absorbed by the memory of the past or the stress of the uncontrollable future. The mentality of pause, of silence, is characteristic of Eastern philosophy and this is fully exposed to the widespread philosophy of Buddhist Zen. The aim of Zen is to clear the mind of thoughts and in this way to achieve the awareness of the present. The process of awakening in the present and realizing the experience of time can also be determined by architecture and the arts.
In Japan,strongly rooted mentalities and time-consuming propositions are recognized. According to Nitschke, classical Japanese philosophy perceives the constant change of reality, giving special basis to the transience of natural phenomena.
Compared to other cultures, the Japanese did not distinguish objects from nature and its manifestations, but considered them as parts of a coordinated expressive identity. They were inspired by this principle and that is why they designed more thoughtfully than rationally, more poetically than descriptively. They observed and recorded them in order to succeed in stimulating the consciousness through the works they created. Thus, the aesthetic correlation of all the senses functioned as a means of connecting the conditions created by man with the forms of nature as he perceived them.
The purpose of this research paper is to study the philosophical spatio-temporal expression of MA; the way it has affected everyday life, religion, visual expressions and ceremonies in Japan. At the same time, in order to present the effort of the content of the concept as a part and influence of the Japanese way of thinking, some additional basic functional aesthetic propositions are mentioned which compose the Japanese culture and tradition. In addition, the recognition of morphological elements in modern Japanese architectural design, where the past and the future are connected, is attempted through typical examples.