At the current research, I attempt to locate the meaning of remains in various forms and situations, by focusing on the contribution of the marble remains of the ancient greek civilization to the construction of the national imagination, through the viewpoint of Iannis Chamilakis. In parallel, I detect and briefly mention personal experiences of reuse of material, food and space remains mainly on the urban environment, while several abstactive narrations penetrate the basic body of the text, as the meaning of parasite according to the sight of Michel Serres, the creation of bones as stated by Manuel De Landa, practices of burglars described by Ilias Petropoulos, the phenomenon of creating order through chaotic conditions by Ilya Prigogine, the meaning of cognitive biogeochemical energy and noosphere by Vladimir Vernadsky, the function of peptic system, the urban waste management, the case of Anafiotika plantation, the recycling and redistributing techniques of Precious Plastic network, RETO stores, ERMIS bazaar of rag-pickers, astronomical innovations, informations about planets and rocks, the flow of matter in the planet Earth, articles of the penal code, fungus, Reverse Logistics, infinity and more. In this way I aim to excerpt from and document the methods of flowing and local depositions of matter at the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic environment, in order to comprehend the creating process of material and inmaterial remains as well as the practices of handling them.