The object of the research work is both the presentation of the problems that the urban city is facing today at a global level, and the presentation of new mass interventions that will lead to its sustainable development, creating a sustainable environment.
It is a fact that, now, the largest percentage of the world's population (54%) lives in large urban centers (UN, 2014) and every year, human settlements produce 1.3 billion tons of solid waste, while their management needs a radical overhaul . Solid waste management will help solve the chronic problems - climate change, depletion of energy reserves, lack of green - which are a global scourge of urban and rural areas, creating a new model of the "ecological city ». Proposals such as the development of the circular economy in the country - have already been launched, and in combination with the recycling of solid waste, will bring catalytic results. As part of this research, my goal is to present a range of recyclable materials that have structural properties, materials that resulted from the recycling of waste. The production of these materials will contribute to tackling the problem of solid waste, clearly, but also to the creation of more environmentally friendly materials. In the third and final section, exploring even more our imagination, as consumers but also as producers, you explore whether coffee can contribute to this process. Coffee as we all know is one of the most popular drinks and its widespread reputation reaches 8 million tons of production per year. As a country in itself, it does not produce coffee as a raw material, but it is certainly largely consumed.
The purpose of this research is to promote this way of recycling and to motivate more people to reject this mentality of thinking. Respect the environment, and as architects have to use materials that are more friendly to it.