The aim of this research project is to analyses the place where education takes place as well as the play’s role in this. The school environment is dual with geometrical and human quality. The school building environment is an integral part of the social miniature for children. Every school is significant and essential since it is considered a great source of inspiration and freedom for each student. It is well known fact that young’s student spend almost 1/3 of their day in school which means that they need an environment where they not only will feel familiar with the surroundings but also comfortable and free to express their selves and their feelings. Furthermore, play has an important role in children’s smooth adaptation to the school environment. Children can explore each place through games and in this way they can unfold and discover their true personality and gain confident. Through this bibliography everyone can grasp a general image for the school structure and organization, as well as the importance that play has on it. In this present research different educational redesigns are suggested which main goal is to point at the constructive relationship between material and in material school structure and this creating an enjoyable environment for children. Also some state of the art techniques are examined through which we can understand and see how architecture can create string forms and qualities based always on the forms and different needs each had each child may have. Finally, through the frames at comparative results analyzing Greece’s school environment lead us to notice similarities and discrepancies which become apparent with the passage of time.