The museum is an institution with a long history, while in modern times it has been the subject of study for its development and optimization, both as a building and as a content - experience. This paper explores how architecture influences the museum experience, through the way the building organizes the space and constructs a set of relationships (visitor - exhibit, visitor - space, between exhibitions). Space is a powerful tool in the museum experience, which is a synthesis of the design of buildings and exhibitions. This fact makes the paths followed by the visitor in an exhibition, an integral part of architectural design and was the initiative for the present research work.
The New Acropolis Museum was selected for the field research because it was designed in a time of great interest for museum architecture and museology, as not only the exhibits are important, but also the visitor, his course and his experience inside the museum. The paths created by the visitors are not linear and predetermined but exploratory, making each visit unique and tailored to the visitor. For a personal experience of the space, the routes were observed and recorded, keeping in mind the concepts and tools that were studied in the first theoretical part of the work.