The C.C. “TEHNI” was established at July 5, 1951 in Thessaloniki. At the time, the city had only rudimentary cultural structure and development. Though the company’s activities are related to many cultural sections, it hasn’t had a permanent establishment except for the years 1960-1978. Nowadays, the part of the company in the city life is rather limited because of the lack of installations. There is a little building in Ano poli, where are the offices, a little library and a storage for the paintings of the company.
“TEHNI” has been co-operating for many years with schools all over northern Greece through cultural programs and exhibitions. In the future, the company is interested in expanding its activities related to children and young people. Considering all the above, as also the position and the condition of the building of the school next to our site, we decided to include it to the design and create a new project.
Designing a school has its own rules, of course, which we had to follow even though the school was considered as a part of a whole. As a result there are created spaces which belong to each building separately, spaces that can be used by both buildings and common spaces (mainly open spaces).
Designing the installations, we based on the fact that the company’s activities are related to different sections of culture each time. These activities are simultaneous and interdepended. These are the three main elements that characterize the company’s activities and the process of the design.
- Junction. η ένωση. Simultaneous actions in different cultural sections.
- Section. Activities that refer to the common space of two or more forms of art.
- Subtraction. Activities that refer to a specific part of a cultural field.
Main targets of the project:
1. Design of permanent installation
2. Placing the building in a site that accommodates and promotes the company’s projects.
3. Development of past activities which no longer occur (publications, concerts, thematic exhibitions).
4. Development of current activities and establishment of new activities through the collaboration with the intercultural school.