The present dissertation is based on the hypothesis and design of a model urban agricultural park with energy crops in the city of Volos. The proposal is based on the problems of water scarcity and drought that the Thessalian Plain is facing for the past decades, combined with the efforts of many farmers to support this new type of crop. Energy crops include traditional or industrial plants mostly used for the production of biofuels.
The park is located on the city lines of Volos, amongst an urban and an agricultural landscape, on the borders of the Volos ring road. The park consists of four main divisions. More specifically: the energy crops, that cover most of the park’s space and according to the proposal will be also used as means of biofuel production, the administration offices, handling the proper management of the park, the training center and seed storehouses, which enable the visitor to tour and get informed about energy crops as well as to observe closely all the agricultural processes, and the recreational part, which consists of an open-air market, an accommodation area, a dining area and all the routes developing between the crops.
The purpose of this park is to create a “green lung” for the city which will enable the visitor to get familiar with this new type of crops. It will also contribute to the residents’ quality of life, facilitate the production of biofuels and serve as a model for the creation of similar spaces.