The dissertation has been written with the aim of creating a thermal centre in the village of Rizoma, in Trikala’s prefecture.
Although the spring has been known since around 146 B.C., its healing properties were officially acknowledged in 2018.
The aim of the present study is the utilization and prominence of the thermal waters of “Loutzia” as well as their promotion with the ultimate goal of becoming a draw for thermal tourism.
The bath facilities have had a two-fold use and importance since ancient times. They were places of gathering and communication as well as spiritual uplift and contemplation.
During the stay in the thermal centre, each bather experiences a method of informal psychotherapy and escape from the tedious rhythms of the contemporary man’s routine, which overwhelms him with anxiety and stress. The mild and relaxing environment within which he moves contributes to this by activating the well-being and rejuvenation of the human body. It is oriented towards people of all ages and can work to prevent, maintain and restore health as well as rest, therefore aiming at an improved quality of life. In order for the visitor to experience the baths at a prime level, the hydrotherapy centrehas been designed following the three stages for a complete bath therapy:
Introduction to the Baths
This thermal centre will become a magnet for therapeutic tourism and will contribute to local economic prosperity and promotion of the Rizoma area.
My ancestry, my late grandfather’s ardent desire to promote the spring as well as the personal contacts and interviews with residents of the area determinedly contributed to my decision to carry out this research with respect towards local tradition and culture.