This research paper has the aim of exploring the spatial, building and the following social reformations in the city of Piraeus. Therefore, the actions that caused urban, spot and wider spatial – political transformations in time, space and the relationships which resulted since the Interwar up until today.
The time period which is examined, in order for valid and mature conclusions to be presented, is important. That is because the vast changes of society, mainly in the economy, affected vital parts of the cultural – political superstructure, like the perceptions and practices in urban planning and architecture.
The examples and sources which are used in my research refer both to reformations of a bigger scale in urban planning (industrial areas), as well as reformations of smaller scale in architecture (focal public and private buildings). These reformations were categorized in “state selected” for the needs of the country economy and in “unpredicted private” ones (which came to be without state planning).
The purpose of the paper is to prove that reformations result and are chosen so as to satisfy the crucial needs of the local urban economy, even if these reformations don’t contribute to the betterment of the life conditions of societies. An additional part of the research is the approach and recognition of the parts of the city which have remained “unchanged” in time, unused, or used for new purposes (refugee settlements, factories).
The basic tools and method for the completion of the research are the study of historical records, the relationship of space and time of locus, the recording of narrations of the people who lived and still live in these spots and areas which will be researched, but also the relationship of the economical basis (substructure) and the superstructure of the local society.