The aim of this research project is a broader study of the creation, the development and finally the abandonment of a settlement named Old Perithia. It is located on the northeastern side of the island of Corfu. This topic was chosen since the village has a rich history, interesting urban planning and architecture but it was also chosen for more personal and sentimental reasons. The roots of my family tree are deeply buried in the village’s soil. It has been proven that it is the people that give all the distinctive characteristics to an area and not its position on the planet. This was the reason why a primary research was the best option. The anthropological component is highly valued and because of that, an ocean of information, concerning the life at the village and the way people think of the village today, was discovered. All that data is organisedin units which discuss the course of events that led to the creation,tothe days of prosperityand in the end tothe abandonment of the village, the geography, the economy, the culture, the urban planning and the architecture,so that wecan draw conclusions. All that information is connected and presented in a final unit along with the researcher’sinference. There are also some documents that function as unifying elements and are about particular details of people’s life in the village. The development and the enrichment of the units are based on elements found in books, architectural research conducted in the village, school records, personal files, architectural designs, photographs (either from locals or researchers) and interviews given from people who used to live in the village and from people who work there today. Part of the research project is a video that contains the interviews, photοgraphs and clips of footage shot in the village. Also, a separate project is included in the appendix. It is a comparison between a research about the condition of the houses that was conducted 16 years ago and contemporary data. Naturally, it shows the degeneration of buildings in the village.