The present research paper focuses on the investigation and presentation of the different elements and practices based on which a “rave event” is built. The term “rave event” refers to a number of different electronic music parties, which were introduced during the late ‘80s and are usually associated with the consumption of psychostimulant substances and can be considered breeding ground for the development of aesthetics and different spiritualities. This research concerns public or private parties which are either amateurly or professionally organized, as well as the heterotopic practices based on which the event takes place in a specific location and is carried out successfully. Retrieving data from the anthropologist Victor Turner an attempt is made to specify the different parameters, based on which the ceremonial character of the rave event gets outlined and its inclusion in the spectrum of a “different” experience is achieved. Emphasis is given to the analysis of actions undertaken from both, the organizers and the participants for the successful spatial and technological installation of the event. These specific actions acquire meaning with the integration of Foucaultian problematic about “heterotopic spaces” and create the image of an event characterized by the constant oscillation between sound, senses and images.