The selection of Farsala city for the creation of a museum complex is due to the fact that this city, which has a long history extended from the antiquity to the late years, presents a unique archaeological interest. This is supported by archaeological findings which come to light from time to time. The existence of a citadel and a vaulted grave proves the distinctiveness of the area. Moreover, this archaeological interest is enhanced by the fact that Farsala is considered to be the city where Achilles was born and grown up. Furthermore, Farsala city is one of the most important centers as it is in the heart of Thessaly and there is easy access to it from the four big cities (Larissa – Volos – Trikala – Karditsa).
Based on the data of the area in which the building plot is located, which relate to the existence of the spring of Apidanos river (according to the mythology Achilles was baptized in this area), with the intense commercial and educative activity as well as the existence of Farsala bus station (KTEL), it is suggested the creation of a complex which will cover many necessities of the area. Another equal important incentive for its creation is that there is not a similar complex in the area of Farsala.
The suggested building complex, which will consist of a museum, a library, a guest house and places of entertainment combined with the rest parts of the complex as well as the creation of a square, will cover a series of cultural, educative and recreational necessities.