The subjectof this research is to investigate and highlight the relationship between architecture and the cinematic process. A relationship, a reinterpretation of both space itself and reality.
First, the way in which reality is recorded is investigated. On the one hand, Plato in the allegory of the cave highlights the importance of reductive thinking and on the other hand, Immanuel Kant recommends the combination of theoryand experience, allowing us to reduce art to a philosophical object. Through this process, the cinematic camera is attempted to be likened to a paradeigm changemachine.
The paper then focuses on the analysis of the documentary or "cinema of reality". Studying the films of Flaherty, Dziga Vertov, the school of cinema-verite, and the SituationistGuy Debord approaches the way in which the film camera can serve as a tool for deeper penetration of reality than they can alone, their human senses.
Thus, through the work, the documentary series "Mikropoleis" is located. Three directors - each with their own personal gaze - discover the key word of each neighborhood, subvert their obvious dynamics, renegotiate the image given to them by "urban myths" and "unlock" what is hidden behind the daily life of the inhabitants completing thusthe re-mapping of Athens.