This theoretical construction attempts to approach the condition of fragment·this crucial element of contemporary culture. Excerpts of fields of philosophy and theory of art are combined and assembled, creating an unfinished ensemble. Exceeding representation, form is no longer considered solid and static, it is no longer attached to the specific and recognizable. Potentiality and constant transformation characterize it now. And only through this transformation form canbe. Only as an abiding formation. Coherence and cohesion are rent, and form remains always unfinished. Unfinished and formless are its fundamental conditions. The excerpts are connected multiply. A network of associations constructed gradually the essay. Eventually, this network became a central element. Essentially, the essay is the transfer of thought on paper, by its specific steps and stages. This assemblage consists of three narrations, which converge on some concepts and perhaps diverge on the same ones. The fragments, the texts are partially autonomous. The whole essay remains open, to interpretations, extensions and transformations. By attempting to assemble, a new way of thinking is formatted and approached. A way of thinking which is accordant with practice, and cannot be cut off it. A cerebration that composes, co-ordinates and assembles. That leaves the intellectual field and transfers to that material world. A cerebration that mounts from the fissures, the fractures and the pauses, and continues to move inside them.