What happens in the reading process? Where does it start and how far does it go? According to Roland Barthes, reading is endless. It is the text that we write within ourselves when we read, a definite phenomenon as it involves different levels of description. Can we attribute a structure or a framework to this production? On the other hand, there is the work of writing. Studying the author’s psyche is essential to understand their creative process and textual strategy. We could characterize them as the architect of the dream, that is, the internal representation of the reading text, which every reader experiences. But to what extent would this be moral if we consider that each dream contains structural features that are influenced by the reader’s experiences, memories, cultural, class, and ideological pressures? Especially when the corresponding experienced pressures of the creator have blunted or guided his own work. Are there commonalities in readers’ dreams? And if these narrative imaginary worlds are influenced by the real one, how can they be considered imaginary?