Humans, in relation to the rest of the life forms, can affect the environment, initially in local level, growing their powers continuously and extend their influence. The need of humans to be protected from their surroundings (nature, animals, weather conditions and so on) derives from their weakness in relation to the superiority of external factors to their being. For this reason, humans started building social structures to ensure better life conditions, which then increased their numbers and with technological advancements were able to confront with their external enemies. From a point forward, humans were able to cope with and exceed their external enemies, compensate for their biological inefficiencies with numbers and expertise, abilities which the rest of the life forms did not have at the same level. Humans didn’t only protect themselves, but were capable of taking from the environment whatever they needed to make their lives better. Nevertheless, the means of conducting this provoke concerns and the consequences have already made their presence felt in Earth’s surface. A recent and talked about consequence of humans action to Earth is the climate change.
The result of these humans actions has start to overlook the initial purpose for survival against external factors, so much so that the well being of human lives are in danger. The heal rate of Earth can not keep up with the continuous and rapid destruction that the humanity causes. This breaks the dialog between Earth and humans leading to thoughtless exploitation of the resources that are given to us, without concern for the livability of the planet. However the situation influences the creatures that habit Earth, living and otherwise. The acquired force of humanity impacts in such a great way the environment that has started to create questions in the scientific community the last 20 years. This realization signals the beginning of a new age that follows the previous geological periods and it is called Anthopocene.