The concepts of reality and illusion are seemingly opposed, used by perspective to correct or distort perceptions. The urban scenery is full of elements that cause optical illusions. My research focuses on parts of human artefacts in the area of fine and visual arts, using various techniques, effects and technological tools on paintings, sculptures, architectural creations and designs scenography artworks, to deceive the spectator. However, the way to fool one’s vision is a complicated procedure. Sensory integration along with memory and experience resulting in optical illusions. Human brain, the “storage” of all these information, is the main organ -apart from the eye-that perceives reality, due to the brain’s function of constructing visual experience. Hence, whatever we see may as well be a misinterpretation. Artists are suitable to perform this result as they aim at entertaining and charm spectators through their work. Examples of this procedure that creates illusion are:
Since all these city elements give the impression of movement and change, arises the question whether the city’s environment tends to create a parallel world opposed to the “real” one, thus misinterpreting our senses.