The beach of Voidokilia is sited between two high rocks, near an archeological area and the cave of Nestoras which has been a base used for the attacks of the pirates. The local road that leads to Voidokilia ends near the beach. Having walked across the beach half the distance, in the middle turning left to the inside among the hills of sand and the bushes, one finds the central construction made of concrete. Inside of this construction are kept all the pieces of the four basic units, the assemblages, which could be also called nap boxes as long as they only provide the surfers a minimum shelter with a soft mat to sleep at night, a clean space to store their surfboards and a power supply to use the laptop or to charge the camera. Each assemblage, for one, two. three and four surfers consists of steel columns which articulate between them to make the skeleton on which surfaces of sea plywood are posed to make the floor, the beds, the tables and the selves. This skeleton is covered with a kind of tent made of gore-tex, a material which is windproof, waterproof and breathable with a slight transparency. The toilets, the showers and a scullery which can be automatically transformed to a bath tab-an instant oasis-are all open air, sited near the lagoon, among the reeds. At the central construction is the kitchen, the dinning room and the lab with water and power supply. The constructions are sited on the beach of Voidokilia, following an invisible spiral, with the adequate distance between them in order to seem spread at the beauty of this landscape without disturbing its harmony, but furthermore adding some to it.