Human's primordial familiarity with the world takes place within the what so called home. Home is the place where we live by ourselves and with others, our familiar ones. It is the place we belong to. Through the language and practices of everyday life, the engraved images of things, and the ways of associating with them, each one individually learns to exist and co-exist with others. From these practices of everyday life, cooking is distinguished as the art that is practiced in every home, almost on a daily basis.
Durkheim writes that "Art is a system of ways of creating bespoke elements as a result of either a traditional experience transmitted through education or one's experience". The analysis of culinary culture is remarkable in the way it evolves historically and socially, comparing it with the places of the modern era that are fast and subversive. The reappraisal of lifestyle through the culinary culture, aims to comprehend the life data that has been eliminated or changed dramatically in modern times.
During the last decade. it was observed a strong tendency towards the food preparation, the culinary categorization and the consumption. The special gastronomic tastes and the ever-increasing concern about food, enter the lifestyle in diversities. Food is the raw material of life, the fuel for survival, which establishes it as a primary good. The contemporary tendency in the western societies, presents food and the art of cooking as an indispensable accessory, a mark, a delight in various wrappers, a fashion trend. However, culinary art and its multitude of practices have carved out an historical intellectual heritage, providing us with the important insights of the anthropological and sociological studies in relation to the matter, the food and the life.