This research paper addresses the consequences of human dependence on plastics and presents innovative companies in both Greece and the Netherlands aiming to redefine how we interact with the material. Soon after the discovery of the first plastics for use in objects that were supposed to withstand time, the transition to the throw away living era took place. Plastics have become an integral part of our daily lives in the form of disposable items. Today, most of the plastic production is intended for the manufacture of a variety of packaging, which ends up in the trash shortly after use, transforming it into a symbol of the consumer lifestyle that characterizes our time. The problematic management of plastics when converted into waste results in them being one of the major sources of environmental pollution, especially of the oceans, where they often end up. Re-defining our relationship with plastic is essential. A new business model is emerging, reinforcing the transition to a more sustainable future. Subjects of study are design studios, labs and NGOs that defend and operate according to circular economy principles. The waste is converted into a raw material which then takes the form of a new product with added value, that in turn aims to bring changes in consumer habits.