In Christianity the mission on earth is the persecution of paradise and the forced removal from its place of permanent residence. Because of his desperate search for paradise, the anointed Christian finds a solution to the pilgrimage, likening his return to his home (paradise) with traveling to a sacred place. He walks incessantly until he finds inner peace. He wanders in search of paradise. With this journey he has been molded spiritually, testing his strengths. This wandering contributes to spiritual searching, to spiritual elevation, and to thinking in general. The pilgrim in his quest is confronted with his passions, and each step towards the goal is also a step towards God. Spiritual exaltation, however, is not always of a religious level. Through this deliberate wander, the pilgrim comes not only to his divine existence but also to his purely human existence.
In 1725, Ukrainian monk Vasily Grigorovich Barsky makes his first pilgrimage to Mount Athos. It will be 19 years until May 1744 when he returns to Athos for the second time. In the intervening time he had visited the Holy Land, Cyprus, Egypt, Sinai, Damascus, Antioch, Constantinople, Tripoli (Lebanon), Patmos and Chios. a great tour of all Christian pilgrimages. It will remain on the Mount for a long time. He will visit all the monasteries, he will design, he will write, he will try to compose the story of Athos. Barsky’s work records in detail, through his two trips to Mount Athos (1725-1726 and 1744-1745), the whole process of pilgrimage-wandering and its impact on the subject through plans and documents and recordings that give an overall picture on the importance of pilgrimage to spiritual search.