The subject of this research is the use of architecture in sci-fi films, which are characterized by a particular design, focusing on real-world buildings and urban landscapes that were used either as they were or different from their actual functions, acting as means of action and storytelling.
Furthermore, it is trying to detect the relationship and interactionbetween architecture and science fiction films, attempting to answer questions such as: how current, existing, flagship architectural buildings have contributed to the creation of a fantastic film space and how they were "used" for this purpose or howsci-fi films inspired creative architects to design buildings of a future world, acting as a form of "Jules Verne-architect".
During the research, representative films of the genre were studied, many of which include utopian and dystopian worlds, as well as colonization of other parts of the universe, where people have brought their own history and home style. More than half of the films studied take place in a future technological Earth, while there are also films which either refer to a partially destroyed or post-apocalyptic world, or to another planet or space.
The films which were eventually selected and presented, illustrate the relationship between architecture and science fiction cinema. Some films are presented due to their innovative approach to the urban space, others for influencing the architectural design and some for their uniqueconstruction.
In each movie, there is a brief summary of its story, which aims to describe the "world" and the "atmosphere" in which it takes place. What is more, a brief analysis of the architectural structure of the buildings or complexes that appear in these particular films as well as a reference to the architects who designedthem is presented. Finally, this research examines how these structures were used (whether or not they retained their actual use) and also how their "structural presence" affects the viewer's psychology.