The subject of this thesis is the development of a proposal for redevelopment of the plot of the International Fair of Thessaloniki (TIF).
The main guideline of our proposal is the preservation of all the functions and activities of the Exhibition Center and at the same time the creation of a Metropolitan Park, which will be granted for free use to the citizens.
The large volume of the project, its complexity, as well as its enormous importance for the city ofThessaloniki, were a challenge for us, to create a design in which the green dominates, minimizing as much as possible the built-up spaces. In addition, a considerable effort has been made to ensure that the entire built-up and non-built-up environment comprises a complete architectural ensemble, in which people'sactivities and physical presence intersect daily, as well as the activities carried out within its spaces, eithercollective or more private, financial, transaction, work, recreation, which concern all residents of the city.
From the exhibition space, to the green space, from the residence, to the open square, to the possibility forunpredictable meetings, social and professional osmosis. Thus, life in and around buildings takes on a complex and multifaceted character.
A complex proposal that seeks to transform the individual-collective, private-public relationship, strengthening socialization and coexistence.