This thesis project concerns the designing of a cultural center in the village of Syvota in Thesprotia, a popular tourist destination. The plethora of hotels and eateries, along with the absence of other choices, render Syvota lacking as far as the variety of choices a tourist, and a resident, has. The purpose here is to create a space of meetings, culture, education and pleasure for the resident during the winter and the non-resident during the summer alike. The location was chosen based on the map of traffic; the harbour constitutes the common meeting place and stroll area for all. Thus, capitalizing on the abundant traffic present there, the building was site on the northern end of the harbour – an ideal location as far as visibility (and view), as well as accessibility are concerned. At first, the volume of the building was created in parallel with the harbour border, thus creating a united front. By experimenting on this rough mass, it became clear it should be broken down in smaller pieces. The need for ventilation and light and the foot of the hill suggested, in some way, the need for a patio. Likewise, the hill indicated that some parts of the building might be better off hidden inside it.